Wellbeing Resources

Resources for staff working within Healthcare

NHS Practitioner Health

Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS primary care mental health and addiction service with expertise in treating healthcare professionals.

For more information and to access the service go to https://www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/

Telephone: 0300 0303 300 / email: prac.health@nhs.net

There is more information about Practitioner Health here: https://www.practitionerhealth.nhs.uk/about-practitioner-health


The BMA offers Counselling and peer support for doctors and medical students

Confidential 24/7 counselling and peer support services open to all doctors and medical students on 0330 123 1245 or via the online portal. 



NHS Employers


NHSE Health & Wellbeing for primary care

Looking after you too – coaching support for all primary care staff

Looking After You Too: coaching support for BAME staff working in the NHS 


Looking after your team – coaching support for those who lead, manage or organise a team or group in primary care

Primary Care Coaching – Link to Assets – a range of resources, including social media assets, a video, PDF case studies and posters, website and email banners

West Yorkshire mental health and wellbeing hub – supporting staff who work in West Yorkshire & Harrogate HCP organisations – free of charge, across all sectors. The hub brings together individual therapeutic services with mechanisms and services that emphasise prevention and developing a culture of wellbeing including a team of psychologists and psychological therapists trained to deal with trauma, stress and burnout; depression and anxiety.

E-Learning for Health Training Modules

The Royal College of Nurses

Resilient Practice

Resilient Practice raises awareness of the importance of personal resilience in modern life and includes a Resilience Gap Analysis Tool and opportunities to improve self-awareness. 

Joyful Doctor

Joyful Doctor provides free support resources for doctors and medical students. 

Resources related to the COVID pandemic

Academy of Medical Royal Colleges


The World Health Organisation (WHO) has published WHO Mental Health Considerations During COVID-19.


NHS Employers

NHS Employers has developed resources to support staff wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Resources for all



The World Health Organisation have produced an excellent easy to read single side guide to coping with stress during the Coronavirus outbreak



Qwell for Men is a safe and confidential online space for men to share experiences and gain support from a community or qualified professionals. They can join online peer support communities, access self-help materials or engage in drop-in or booked one-to-one online chat sessions with experienced counsellors. The service has been commissioned by Humber, Coast and Vale Health and Care Partnership and is available to men living in North Yorkshire, York, Hull, East Riding, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. The online service can be accessed by visiting https://www.qwell.io/hcv

Wellbeing Apps

There are some good wellbeing apps available that could be valuable to you whilst working in healthcare during this pandemic. 

• Free Wellbeing Apps for NHS Staff – a great collection of free wellbeing apps including SilverCloud (use access code: NHS2020), HeadspaceUnmindSleepioDaylight and cbtclinics

• App for Mindfulness – an app for positive mental health training from the Positive Mental Health Foundation

• Talkspace – Free therapy for impacted health workers

• Clementine App – Hypnotherapy Sessions – here are 3 new hypnotherapy sessions designed with the help of ICU nurses for careworkers

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